Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan

Published: 18 January 2022

The Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) was formally made on 8th December 2021 following a successful public referendum on 4th November 2021 where nearly 85% voters were in favour.

As a result, the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan now forms part of the development plan for the Holme Valley Parish area alongside the Kirklees Local Plan. We are delighted that the local community resoundingly endorsed the policies within the NDP and we look forward to its use helping shape the planning decisions in our Holme Valley area.  Thank you to all those who engaged in the process during its creation, nearly 4000 people who took the time to vote and the members of the Steering Group who worked so hard to shape local aspirations into meaningful planning policies.

The Holme Valley is the first area within Kirklees Local Authority to successfully establish a Neighbourhood Development Plan and we welcome the opportunity to amplify our local community’s voice in planning decisions in our area.

The ‘made’ Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan is available as a paper copy to view in Holmfirth, Honley and Huddersfield Libraries as well as in the Parish Council offices at Holmfirth Civic Hall.  A digital copy is available here: Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Made Plan.

  • For more information about the NDP and the Local Plan and planning decision making, please refer to the Kirklees Development Plan page.
  • For further information about the development of the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan, please see our main Neighbourhood Plan page.