Clerk to the Council: Mrs Jen McIntosh
Deputy Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer: Richard McGill
Assistant Clerk: Gemma Sharp
Address:Holme Valley Parish CouncilThe CivicHuddersfield RoadHolmfirth HD9 3AS
How to find us: The Parish Council Office is on the 3rd floor (in the office next to the Exhibition Room) of the Holmfirth Civic Hall and visitors are usually by appointment.
Office hours: Over the summer period, where The Civic has limited opening hours, Holme Valley Parish Council officers are based in the office on the 3rd Floor of The Civic Wednesday and Friday 9.30am through to 2.30pm. Messages can be left by phone or email at other times.
To contact us, simply send us an email or use the Contact Form below. We welcome your feedback because it allows us to improve the way we do things. Feedback will be forwarded to the Clerk, relevant Member or Committee.Click here to access the Council’s Complaints Procedure
Name*: Organisation:
Telephone: Email*:
To respond to your enquiry, we may have to share your information with third parties. If you are happy for us to do this, please tick here.