
There are 23 councillors who serve for a four-year term and meet every 6-8 weeks as a full Council to debate and make decisions on issues concerning the area. They were elected or re-elected May 2023 and will represent their wards until Spring 2027.


Councillors are all unpaid and committed to working for the benefit of the community; they welcome residents and businesses contacting them regarding any local issues. 


The Council employs a Clerk who co-ordinates the effective running of the Council. The Clerk is supported by a Deputy Clerk who is also the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer. In addition, the Council has appointed an Assistant Clerk specifically to support the work of the Climate Action, Communications and Engagement Standing Committee and the Planning Committee.


Our Councillors by ward are: 

Brockholes Ward

Fulstone Ward

Cllr Donald M Firth

Cllr Donald M Firth

01484 683735

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Cllr Kath Fernandes

Hi, I am Councillor Kath Fernandes. A few things about myself: I have three children, - 2 boys aged 33 and 32, and a girl 25. I moved from Huddersfield when I was 21, and lived in Chester. After 13 years, I came back to Huddersfield and had my daughter. I have now been living in Huddersfield for 25 years. I went to college and passed my Health and Social Care level 2 with a distinction. I then did Level 3 and got a Merit and passed GCSE English with a C. I wanted to be a children’s nurse and I was learning sign language but, unfortunately, had an accident and broke my ankle, so I couldn't do that anymore. Then in the last year I joined the Conservative Club, and I go to every meeting. I was put forward to be a Councillor in the Parish Council in the Holme Valley. I want to make a difference for the people and give them whatever help I can. That will bring me joy. I want to thank the people that voted for me. I hope I'll get to meet a lot of new people as a Councillor. 

Hepworth Ward

Cllr Thomas Dixon

Cllr Thomas Dixon

07725 698860

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Holmfirth Central Ward

Cllr Mary Blacka

I have lived in the Holme valley for thirty years, first near Hepworth and now on the edge of Holmfirth. Almost all my working life was spent in Further and Adult Education. I have been a governor at Hepworth School for a long time and am the treasurer of the Friends of Cliff Recreation Ground. I am a Youth Offending Panellist and a Supported Lodgings Provider for Kirklees Council. I love walking and sing with Holmfirth Choral Society. 

Cllr Jane Rylah

My early years were spent in Dewsbury, where my parents also grew up. I studied Biochemistry at Liverpool University and then worked as a Medical Scientist in Pathology and Leukaemia Research, at the Hammersmith Hospital in London. For the last 30 years I have taught Chemistry and Biology in schools and colleges in London, Greater Manchester, and for the last 18 years at Greenhead College. Alongside teaching biology at GC, I have been a Staff Governor and the School Liaison and Marketing Manager. I am a keen member of Holmfirth Tennis Club, and enjoy yoga, walking and cycling (with my e bike). I live at the heart of Holmfirth on Dunford Road, and I am proud to represent residents as Parish Councillor. 

Honley Central & East Ward

Cllr Pat Colling - Chair HVPC

Cllr Pat Colling - Chair HVPC

01484 663214

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 I’ve lived in Yorkshire since I was seven, and in the Holme Valley for more than 20 years, and obviously it’s the best bit! The valley is a vibrant and friendly place to live. There are so many groups who work to make it even better, I’ve never known anywhere with a stronger community spirit. This is why I wanted to be a parish councillor in the first place and why I wanted to continue so I can support the groups and individuals who make the valley so special. Living in Honley and as a founder Friend of Honley Library I was particularly pleased to be involved in the process that moved ownership of the building to the Parish Council. I sit on the Finance & Management, Service Provision, Planning and Staffing Committees and I am proud to be deputy leader of the council and look forward to working with the leader to continue our support for the valley and its activities. 

Cllr Alison Morgan

I have lived in Honley for over forty years and my four children all attended Honley Schools. When my children were young I was instrumental in setting up what became the Honley Village Community Trust. Latterly I worked as an adviser at the Citizens Advice Bureau before becoming a coop member /director of the Handmade Bakery where I both baked bread and sold it at market until 2017. I am very interested in both the natural and the built environment, having trained as a landscape architect. Now retired I grow vegetables in a shared garden and provide greens, vegetables and fruit in season, and flowers, for a local restaurant. 

Honley South Ward

Cllr Chris Green

Cllr Chris Green


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  • Attended Wooldale Junior, Holmfirth High and Honley High Schools.
  • Retired Police Officer.
  • Green Party Member.
  • River Holme Connections Trustee.
  • Friend of Green Cliff Cemetery (Honley).
  • Huddersfield Town season ticket holder.
  • Yorkshire County Cricket Club member.
  • Enjoys park-runs and quizzes.


Honley West Ward

Cllr Charles R Greaves

Cllr Charles R Greaves

07888 698245

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I was born at Holme Valley Memorial Hospital and live in Honley with my wife and 2 children. I have friends and family throughout the valley. I am involved in a variety of local groups and I'm happy to offer support to all our local organisations and bodies. I have a background in finance, law and professional advice, having worked in financial services for high-street banks, and as a specialist in debt advice and pension guidance for a national charity. I have been an Independent parish councillor for Honley since 2009. I am also an elected councillor for Kirklees Council, having represented Holme Valley North since 2012. I take a co-operative approach to being a councillor - working with residents and across politics to focus on the issues. 

Netherthong Ward

Cllr Isaac Barnett

Besides Netherthong making Parish Council history. I would like to address my appreciation to the ward, and also to former Parish Councillor, Judith Roberts, who served admirably on the Parish Council for many years. Being elected as Councillor is a great opportunity for me to give back to a community which has helped me since 2007, when I arrived a young, shy, Brummie lad, to grow up out of his shell and showing me the potential of offering service and duty to all kinds of life. I studied at Holmfirth High School [2009-14], was a Youth Councillor on Kirklees Youth Council [2013-2018] representing all young people across the Holme and Colne Valleys at Parish and Kirklees level. Additionally, I have a record of getting things done through volunteering from being a Trustee for University of York Students' Union [2019- 2021] especially in the pandemic years. 

Cllr Martin Rostron

Just over thirty years ago my wife and I moved to Holmfirth with our young family. I had been commuting to Greenhead College in Huddersfield from Sale in south Manchester for a couple of years,  wasting both time and petrol, and colleagues recommended the Holme Valley as the best place to live...... I was born in Oldham, and after working for the Electricity Board I studied and taught in Liverpool and Cheshire. My move into Yorkshire was to take up the post of Vice Principal in the sixth form college in Huddersfield (attended by significant numbers of Holme Valley students).  In 2002 I became Principal, and stayed until my 'retirement' in 2013. For the next five years I travelled around England and Wales advising schools, colleges, local authorities etc. With Covid and other distractions behind me, I decided it was time to give something back to an area where I feel very settled, particularly as I now have more flexibility. I enjoy gardening, walking, books, music and DIY, which are all very flexible in their demands! 

Scholes Ward

Cllr Lawrence Baylin

I originate from the East End of London and spent my early years there before heading North to attend college. That was almost 50 years ago and it has been the incredible people, lifestyle and beauty of Yorkshire that has kept me here ever since. Perhaps it was that personal 'discovery' of this part of the world and its community that has made me value it so highly. Although I originally trained as a teacher and youth worker and spent a short time working in that sector, my career has primarily been in professional social work where I was both a practitioner and manager. Later on, I established and ran a successful business based in Honley, providing independent social work, consultancy and training services. Janet and I live at Choppards, Holmfirth. Between us we have two grown up daughters and two grown up sons, each with families of their own and all living locally. So quite a number of grandchildren! Since retiring, I have expanded my hobbies and interests which include foreign travel, walking, gym, woodturning, badminton and Ceroc Jive dancing. I have always been active in local community organisations and interested in politics. Perhaps inspired by my grandfather who spoke to public meetings against fascism in the 1930s and took part in the Battle of Cable Street. So, apart from retirement allowing me more time for volunteering with local groups and taking up a role in helping to promote tourism in the Holme Valley, I have been able to turn my energies to community politics. Election to the Parish Council is a great honour for me and provides me with a fantastic opportunity to engage with and share with the local community on projects that benefit everyone. 

Upper Holme Valley Ward

Cllr Sarah Whitelaw

Although I have lived and worked in many places in the UK and abroad I have been back here, in 'God's Own County,' for over thirty years. I grew up in the East Riding and Wakefield. As an only child with no children or close family I have had time to be involved in many community groups and activities. These include Holmfirth WI, Holmfirth Film Festival and Cafe 100, where I am a Trustee. I sing with the Soul Choir, paint with the Emergence group, am in two book groups and socialise a lot with friends and my Astronomer partner, John !! My professional life has been in Education. My passion has been to help make a positive difference to children and young people's lives. I taught Textiles, Art and Design in Secondary schools. At Leeds University I lead the Secondary teacher training programme. At the Department of Education in Manchester, I lead on Business and Diversity in the Recruitment Division. In my role as a Parish Councillor and Chair of the Climate Action, Communications and Engagement Committee (CACE) I will work with my Parish Council colleagues, Kirklees Councillors and officers, Community Groups and interested individuals to 'get things done' !! My priorities are to help make sure: - people in the Holme Valley understand what the Parish Council is doing and can do; - HVPC meets its Climate Action targets; - that the interests of residents in my Ward, Upper Holme Valley, are represented. I love it here and want to help make it the best place it can be for all its residents. The Holme Valley is my home as well as theirs. 

Upperthong Ward

 Cllr Jenny Holmes

The Holme Valley is a wonderful place to live and I am committed to this community and landscape. I have lived here for nearly fifty years. Initially, whilst my children were young I shared a successful Holmfirth retail business known as The Country Store. Later I returned to teaching and then worked for international charities throughout West Yorkshire and overseas: always with an educational focus. Since retiring I have been an active volunteer within our community. I am very involved with the Holmfirth Arts Festival and support the events and organisations which enrich our community. I want to work in partnership with all who want to both preserve and progress our Valley. 

Andy Wilson

I have lived in the Holme Valley for over 45 years, working locally and nationally in manufacturing as an engineering manager. I have valuable experience of dealing with both people and budgets in a team environment.I am committed to supporting both the local community and economy. As an enthusiastic walker and cyclist, I believe in responsible and sustainable access to the countryside. The maintenance of the heritage of the Holme Valley is also important, whilst ensuring any developments are sympathetic to the area. Through the Rotary Club of Holmfirth I have been heavily involved in Charitable events in the local community; latterly the voluntary organisation and roll-out of the COVID vaccinations at the Holme Valley memorial Hospital. I have a deep concern for the environment - my personal commitment includes reducing my Carbon footprint through initiatives such as solar panels and biomass heating. I am keen to understand the issues that are concerning the Holme Valley residents and welcome contact from both individuals and groups. 

Wooldale Ward

Cllr Patricia Stewart

I’m a retired English teacher, who was widowed in 2022. I’ve lived in the Holme Valley for more than thirty years, at first in the centre, along Back Lane, then up in Hepworth, 25 years on a smallholding on Cartworth Moor and now in Wooldale. I was married at the Quaker meeting house in Wooldale and we held my husband’s funeral there last year. I spend my time walking Noggin, my Border collie, meeting friends and keeping Read the bookshop in business! I have been interested in politics all my life and feel excited to be a Parish Councillor. 

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