Planning Committee


The main work of the Planning Committee is to comment on local planning applications, submitted to Kirklees Council and the Peak District National Park Authority. The Committee also responds to wider concerns raised by local residents and requests for comment on draft documents, from planning authorities and central government, like the white paper on 'Planning for the Future' and Supplementary Planning Documents from our two planning authorities.

The need to make timely comments on planning applications means that the Planning Committee has to meet more frequently than other committees, to keep in step with planning authority cycles. The Committee has delegated authority, which allows it to make such comments immediately, without waiting for full Council approval. The Committee brings detailed local knowledge to the consideration of planning applications and an understanding of the need to balance the preservation of the built and natural environment with considerations of economic development.

The Parish Council is not a statutory consultee and can only give a view: planning decisions are made by Kirklees Council or the Peak District National Park Authority. When deciding whether to support or object to a planning application, the Planning Committee can take account only of material planning considerations. 

Recently the Planning Committee, in support of the Parish Council's declaration of a Climate Emergency, has adopted the practice of commenting favourably on aspects of applications which seriously address sustainability and to object to any application for larger developments which fail to address the issue fully.

With regard to notifying the public of planning applications, Kirklees Council follows legal requirements in letting residents know about new planning applications.  All householders whose property adjoins a planning application boundary are sent a notification letter.  Notices are also displayed on lamp-posts for a significant number of applications, including those affecting rights of way, all major developments and those which are not in line with the provisions of the development plan.

Residents can also sign up to be notified, by email, of planning applications in their area. To do this visit the Kirklees Planning webpage. Click on Planning Applications and then choose Receive planning alerts by email from the menu on the right hand side. 

The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has now been fully 'made'. It was heavily endorsed by 84.53% of voters at a referendum on 4 November '21. Subsequently, the NDP was formally adopted by Kirklees Council and the Peak District National Park Authority. This means that the NDP has become part of the local planning framework and the Kirklees Development Plan. It is now being used by the Planning Committee to inform its comments on planning applications and planning officers are referring to the NDP when making their decisions. This means that local concerns and the needs of the local community and the environment are fully embedded in the planning process.

More information is available on our Neighbourhood Plan page.


Click here to view the Council’s Policy on Signs in or adjacent to Conservation Areas
The Parish Council has commented on the draft Kirklees Local Plan and a link to the comment can be found here
As part of the Upper Holme Valley is in the Peak District, here is a link to that Authority’s website:

Planning Committee Meeting Dates, Agendas & Minutes

Meetings are held on Monday evenings at Holmfirth Civic Hall and normally start at 19.00 unless otherwise specified below.

To view planning applications please click here 
Full Council    Finance & Management Committee   Staffing Committee   Publications & Communications Committee   
Service Provision Committee  Community Asset Support Committee  Climate Emergency Committee


12 Aug 24

19:00 to 21:00

16 Sep 24

19:00 to 21:00

7 Oct 24

19:00 to 21:00

11 Nov 24

19:00 to 21:00

9 Dec 24

19:00 to 21:00