Budget and Precept for 2020-21

Published: 26 February 2020

At the Council meeting on 3rd February 2020, Holme Valley Parish Council approved its Budget for 2020-21. The Council has adopted this budget to meet its ongoing commitments across a broad range of duties and pledges to the wide Holme Valley community.

Different Committees of the Council oversee different responsibilities and budgets:


  • The Finance and Management Committee oversees the financial processes of the Council and has a budget to pay grants to deserving local causes.
  • The Community Assets Support Committee oversees the support of community assets like the Holmfirth Civic Hall and toilets owned by the Parish Council on behalf of the community, as well as assisting other community assets that may be at risk.
  • The Planning Committee oversees the assessment of local planning applications as well as coordinating the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan.
  • The Publications and Communications Committee oversees publicity and publishes the Parish Newsletter through the Holme Valley Review. It also confers awards on deserving community-minded individuals, groups and businesses, and organises commemorations of important local and national events.
  • The Service Provision Committee organises things like the installation and stocking of "pooh bag" dispensers, the supply of Christmas trees to towns and villages, the provision of defibrillators, benches and bus shelters, and pays towards the Holme Valley minibus service.
  • Finally, the new Climate Emergency Standing Committee oversees the parish's commitment to action on climate change.


All Committees have budgets to meet their responsibilities for the Council year from April 1st 2020. 

The overall budget for the Council has for the year ahead reduced from £327244 to £290539 as some large-scale commitments have been met in the current financial year. This reduction comes despite the creation of a new budget for the Climate Emergency Standing Committee.

The precept, which is the Parish Council's share of Council Tax, has increased very slightly from £274970 to £275871. This is because of an increase in the number of Band D, - higher value properties, - in the Holme Valley. The actual charge to individual households for the Holme Valley Parish Council precept has decreased very slightly by £0.21 for a Band A property, £0.25 for a Band B property, £0.28 for a Band C property, £0.32 for a Band D property, £0.39 for a Band E property, £0.46 for a Band F property, £0.53 for a Band G property and £0.64 for a Band H property.