Grant Awards 2023-24

Holmfirth Forward - lamppost advert poster-brackets for Holmfirth centre
Honley Village Community Trust - Easter Bunny tea-party for children
Honley Village Community Trust - children Easter craft workshops
Holme Valley Climate Action Partnership - food event local, vegetarian produce
Friends of Cliff Recreation Ground - D-Day beacon-lighting event
Holmfirth Food and Drink Festival - £1,500 towards refuse and street cleaning
Holmbridge Cricket Club - £5,000 towards batteries for solar power energy storage
Friends of Honley - £1,500 towards seasonal planting of outdoor spaces
Eden's Forest CIC - £1,337.63 towards sheltered area for play and learning
Hade Edge Residents Association - £2,000 towards village green flower garden
Honley Village Community Trust - £2,640 tree-works at Southgate Woods
Holmfirth Arts Festival - £1,500/a towards "Flow" River Holme arts project 
Holmfirth Women's Institute - £388 towards equipment for outdoor events
Hade Edge Residents Association - £1,500 towards village gala marquee &c
Hepworth Band - £1,244 towards free band workshops & concerts for youth


Friends of Cliff Rec - £427 - this event was cancelled and the grant returned
Upperthong Village Hall - £1,500 towards repairs to the Hall roof 
Holmfirth Civic Hall  - £7,800 towards full condition survey of The Civic
Holmfirth Civic Hall - £9,8517.39 towards fire escape costs at The Civic
Honley Library - £10,000 towards energy efficiency measures
Honley Library - £15,000 towards running costs at the Library