Complaints against a Holme Valley Parish Councillor

Published: 04 June 2020

A number of new complaints have been received earlier this week from members of the public regarding recent comments made on social media by a member of the Council. Holme Valley Parish Council wants to assure residents that the Councillor in question has already had the maximum sanctions available to the Council applied to him for prior breaches of the Code of Conduct. The Councillor has not recanted these prior breaches nor has he met the conditions applied by the Council for those breaches. No further disciplinary sanctions than these are available to the Council. Furthermore, the Council is unable to prevent the Councillor's social media output. The Parish Council would like to reiterate that the Councillor's social media output gives his personal views and does not reflect those of the Parish Council. All new complaints have been referred, as per Holme Valley Parish Council policy, to the Monitoring Officer for Kirklees Council. Read here the Council's previous Press Statement on this issue.