New Chairman and Vice Chair of Holme Valley Parish Council

Published: 30 May 2022

At the start of a new Council year, Cllr Jason Brook (Wooldale) was unanimously elected Chairman of Holme Valley Parish Council at the Annual Council Meeting 16th May 2022 at Hade Edge Band Room. The departing Chair, Cllr Michael Pogson, presented Cllr Brook with his chain of office.


Cllr Pogson in his leaving address, thanked fellow Councillors, Officers, and the people of the Holme Valley for their support during his year as Chair, which he said he had enjoyed, especially getting the chance to meet so many people. Cllr Pogson spoke of the year as one of change but also of "getting back to normal."   One of the great successes of the past year, he said, was getting the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan passed via a referendum of Holme Valley electors. Cllr Pogson also spoke about the progress with the Climate Emergency Committee and its diverse efforts to make the Valley carbon neutral by 2030. Cllr Pogson also wanted to highlight the amount of grants money the Council paid out, - around £250,000 in 2021-22, - and said he was pleased by amount and diversity of applicants. In particular, he wanted to mention the grants paid out to support young people in the Holme Valley. Finally, he mentioned the Jubilee Wildflowers project which is giving each primary school pupil a "Beebomb" of seeds to attract bees and facilitate pollination, as well as supplying other wildflower seeds and trees. He wished the new Chair and Vice Chair great success in their roles.    

Cllr Brook thanked the Members for electing him. He said that, after 12 years, this would be his last year as a Parish Councillor. He thanked Cllr Pogson for his year of office, which he said was one of striving for greater unity even whilst recognising a diversity of views.

Cllr Mary Blacka (Scholes) was unanimously elected Vice Chair of the Parish Council. Cllr Brook presented her with her chain of office. 

Cllr Blacka said she still felt like the new girl on the block and was extremely grateful for the honour, and hoped that Councillors would continue to work together to make a difference for the Holme Valley.