Publication of Accounts 2022-23

Published: 27 June 2023

Holme Valley Parish Council's accounts for the last financial/Council year to 31/03/2023 are available to view from Wednesday 28 June 2023 to Tuesday 8 August 2023. Residents can view much of the the accounts paperwork and Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) online in PDF format. Or residents can make an appointment to visit the Council Office to view the accounts documentation in paper form. Contact the Deputy Clerk/RFO to make arrangements.

The accounts can be inspected at any time during the period 28 June to 8 August but, please, be aware that the Deputy Clerk/RFO is away from 29 June to 5 July and, in any case, officers have limited access to the Parish Council offices during Art Week 2nd to 8th July.