Remembrance Services 12th November 2023

Published: 09 November 2023

War Memorial and contact names

Details for 2023


Rev Keith Griffin

10.45 am Holy Trinity Parish Church  

The wreath is first laid in Church as part of service then taken by car to the War Memorial at Holme Valley Memorial Hospital. Tea and biscuits in the lounge at HVM Hospital afterwards.


Rev Martin Short

11 am Wreath laid at War Memorial followed by Service at St George’s Church.


Rev Keith Griffin

9.30 am Service in Holy Trinity Church Hepworth then Act of Remembrance at Church Lych Gate.


Rev Nick Heaton

10.50 am Wreath-laying Ceremony at War Memorial in grounds of St David’s followed by Service inside.


(Fiona Roberts - Honley RBL)

Rev Martin Short

10 am Service at St Mary the Virgin followed by Procession to War Memorial and Act of Remembrance/ wreath laying. The procession then re-forms and goes back through the village centre ending in People’s Park c. 11.20 am


Rev Nick Heaton

10.50 am Ceremony at War Memorial followed by Service in All Saints Church.

New Mill

Rev Canon Sean Robertshaw

(Mr Neil Tinker -New Mill RBL)

10.30 am Remembrance Service hosted by Christ Church organised by the Royal British Legion with Hepworth Band as guests providing the music and leading the Parade following the service. The parade forms up with uniformed organisations and parades to the New Mill War Memorial where a short Act Of Remembrance takes place, then the RBL host everyone in New Mill Club.


Rev Keith Griffin

10.45 am Service at St John’s Upperthong followed by Ceremony of Remembrance at the Lych Gate.

(Peter Ingham presiding)