Celebrate the Coronation with a helping hand from Holme Valley Parish Council!
Published: 20 February 2023
The Parish Council is keen to support local people and groups within the Holme Valley who wish to mark the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III through a party, event, initiative or commemorative project.
£1,000 has been set aside for this purpose with each applicant able to apply for a maximum of £100 to support their project.
Chair of the Publications and Communications Committee Cllr Kath Bellamy explained:
“The Parish Council knows how important these public occasions are to our community – they are special, and in these uncertain times we want to do all we can to support people in celebrating the Coronation. Whether it’s a tea party for our more senior residents or putting bunting up round a particular area, if a grant of up to £100 can help, we will consider it.”
Application forms are available from the Civic, Holmfirth, DD9 3AS and the Holme Valley Parish Council website.
Alternatively contact the Clerk at clerk@holmevalleyparishcouncil.gov.uk or via 01484 687460 for a form to be emailed or posted.
The deadline for applications is 12pm (noon) Monday 13 March 2023.
Completed applications (with all personal details redacted) will be considered by the Publications & Communications Committee at a meeting on Monday 20 March 2023.
Projects are expected to be completed by Tuesday 9 May 2023 and a brief report with photos and receipts should be submitted to the Council by 31 May 2023.